Soft and Hard Limit
Pertaining to our 99.9% Uptime Guarantee, we have decided to go further by making a commitment in guaranteeing the maximum soft and hard limit of accounts on all our servers.
Shared Hosting
Soft limit: 80 Accounts
Hard limit: 120 Accounts
Reseller Hosting
Soft limit: 40 Accounts
Hard limit: 60 Accounts
Q: What if all of your accounts on a particular server are huge packages? It actually defeats the purpose!
A: The calculation is simple:-
- UH-I / UR-I = 1.0 Account
- UH-II / UR-II = 1.2 Account
- UH-III / UR-III = 1.5 Account
Q: I notice that Reseller has twice less density compared to Shared Hosting Servers. This is unfair!
A: Reseller client hosts many more small websites that throughout our experience, a reseller would use twice the resources of a shared hosting client, which was the reason behind the adopted numbers.